SecureAge apex false positive
SecureAge apex false positive

2020年6月22日—Iamaquiteexperiencedviruschecker(notascammer/hacker),andifoundsomethingsuspiciousonmyPC.calledExela.ideactivatedit, ...,2020年8月6日—IscannedthelatestversionofPaintToolSAIonVirusTotal,andSecureAgeAPEXdetectedthefileasMalicious...fal...

virustotal detect virus. You can tell me if this is false positive ...

2020年12月2日—Yes,thosearefalsepositives.Youcancontacttherelevantcompaniesforaclarification,andyou'llfindoutthatthedetectionsarefalse ...

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False Positive on SecureAge Apex Virustotal?

2020年6月22日 — I am a quite experienced virus checker (not a scammer / hacker) , and i found something suspicious on my PC. called Exela. i deactivated it, ...

VirusTotal says "Malicious" on virus scan. Is it AI or a virus?

2020年8月6日 — I scanned the latest version of Paint Tool SAI on VirusTotal, and SecureAge APEX detected the file as Malicious ... false-positive. If you ...

Virustotal reports malicious software

... (SecureAge APEX) of more than 60 tools ... I think you should send the SpeedCrunch installer to virus total, this is most probably a false positive.

BitDefenderTheta and SecureAge APEX false positive

BitDefenderTheta and SecureAge APEX antivirus may falsely flag Experimental as a threat. If you are using BitDefenderTheta or SecureAge APEX as your ...

Probable False Positive

We understand that you are writing about a false positive detection by our SecureAge APEX engine. ... false positive detection by our SecureAge APEX engine.

curl.exe reported as malware, false positive

2022年5月31日 — This is a years-old command line utility that was never reported as malware by MWB before a few days ago. Uploaded to virustotal, only one ...

virustotal detect virus. You can tell me if this is false positive ...

2020年12月2日 — Yes, those are false positives. You can contact the relevant companies for a clarification, and you'll find out that the detections are false ...

SecureAge APEX is FP or I have problems??

2020年1月23日 — I inputted my own .exe in virustotal and SecureAge APEX got detected, so it's probably just a false positive. ... False positive, get something ...

Report False Positives

Report false positive if a detection made by our engine is not actually a virus. Our security experts can analyze the file and report it as false positives ...


2020年6月22日—Iamaquiteexperiencedviruschecker(notascammer/hacker),andifoundsomethingsuspiciousonmyPC.calledExela.ideactivatedit, ...,2020年8月6日—IscannedthelatestversionofPaintToolSAIonVirusTotal,andSecureAgeAPEXdetectedthefileasMalicious...false-positive.Ifyou ...,...(SecureAgeAPEX)ofmorethan60tools...IthinkyoushouldsendtheSpeedCrunchinstallertovirustotal,thisismostprobablyafalsepositive.,B...